Apr 27, 2013

why fashion is the greatest art form.

These simply wonderful photos prove that fashion is the greatest form of art. I love that fashion can make you feel like you are in a magical world. It can transform you to another time period or even an imaginary wonderland. The amazing Kelly Framel from The Glamouai helped to create these marvelous fantasies!

Absolutely love this one, reminds me of alice from alice in wonderland.

xx E.

Apr 21, 2013

Gatsby: Daisy

Some Fashion Inspiration from the beautiful cast of 
The Great Gatsby

Daisy has to be one of my favorite style icons, ever. She just has this amazing innocence meets chic look that simple sparkles. Her character in the book is also one of my favorite characters in literature.   

This dress has to be my absolute favorite.


Prada even designed some dresses for Daisy in the film. 

And we cannot forget the amazing Leo DiCaprio as Gatsby <3 

I'm actually going to be seeing this at midnight because i am so madly in love with Leo DiCaprio <3

xx E. 

Apr 14, 2013

Prada +Film

They mixed my two favorite things, Wes Anderson Films and Fashion. I'm in love.

I learned two things from this video, One: i absolutely love her dress. Two: banana split in french is banana split. 

xx E.

Apr 6, 2013

Festival Style: Coachella 2013

Guess what is in 6 days...

I absolutely love music festivals. They are a place where art, music, and fashion all come together to create something marvelous. 

Living in Southern California places me in the center of the indie/alternative rock music festival hype. And i love it! The fashion and trends that come out of Coachella each year are amazing. Honestly, I dress like i am heading to Coachella 24/7 but music festival season gives me a chance to dress like a bohemian hippie and not be judged.   

I need these printed pants.

 I also love to see what my favorite style icons are wearing to music festivals.
Jamie Chung + More, Cocahella 2011

Emma Watson Cocahella 2012

Don't forget to accessorize with Henna!!  

 Here are some of my favorite artist that will be playing at Coachella 2013!

The Lumineers

The Neighborhood

Two Door Cinema Club

Vampire Weekend

Also my loves: 

Passion Pit 
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Tegan and Sara
Of Monsters and Men

R and E's Coachella style 

xx E.

Apr 2, 2013


When Fashion Meets Art: The Life of a Fashion Sketch. 

 I have always loved to see designer's sketches before their actual designs. It gives us a peek into their creative process. I love being able to see how the outfit evolved from just a little color pens and creativity to a complete outfit.

One of my favorites!

xx E.